mini-mods: tweaks & changes
A downloadable mod
These mini-mods alter an existing part of the game in some small way. Some are for player convenience, some are for player engagement, others are just based on taste.
These are arranged Base Game first, then Expansions, then Game Packs, and lastly Stuff Pack and Kits.
Gym Trainer Change
This is a small mod that changes how muscular NPCs suddenly become once they are assigned as Gym Trainers by the game. They now get set to 65 fitness instead of 100. This was especially evident when using roBurky's Fitness Control mod (which I highly recommend).
Low Motive Change
Two small mods that change how your Sims feel about certain motive failures:
- Low Fun is Boring
- Moodlets your Sims get from having a low Fun need are now Bored instead of Tense.
- Low Energy is Dazed
- Moodlets your Sims get from having a low Energy need are now Dazed instead of Uncomfortable.
No Off-The-Grid Notification
This mod removes the notification that was added in the Eco Lifestyle patch that you get whenever you enter a lot with the Off-The-Grid lot trait. This can get annoying if you frequently travel between lots and it can quickly fill up your notification wall.
Always Auto-Lights
This mod makes it so lights on Residential lots (including rentals, dorms, etc) always default to Auto-Lights instead of Always On.
Better Coffee
This mod makes it so coffee, espresso, and energy drinks give 40 Energy when consumed (up from 15 or 0 in some cases), and certain kinds of tea and matcha give 20 Energy when consumed (up from 0).
Vendor Idles
This mod changes the idle interactions that market stall vendors perform while tending their stall, making them less obnoxious without leaving them lifeless.
All vendors now text, stretch, and act bored when not busy. Only vendors with a loud trait, such as Outgoing, will yell and wave at passersby, but less often than before. Nosy and Jealous vendors will use binoculars to look around. Lazy vendors will very dramatically sigh while they work. Erratic vendors will do all of the above.
Regional Greetings
This mod limits the availability of region-specific greetings so that your options aren't full of "Friendly Introduction" equivalents.
"Respectful Introduction" will only appear if your Sim is in Mt. Komorebi, if your Sim lives in Mt. Komorebi, or if your Sim has the Proper trait.
"Howdy Introduction" will only appear if your Sim is in Chestnut Ridge, Strangerville, or Oasis Springs, if your Sim lives in any of those Worlds, if your Sim has the Rancher trait, or if your Sim has won a horse competition.
"Tomarani Introduction" will only appear if your Sim is in Tomarang, if your Sim lives in Tomarang, or if your Sim has the Child of the Village trait.
Sims with the Erratic or Cringe traits will have access to all greeting types.
Faster Burglars
This mod drastically shortens the animation that burglars perform when inspecting an object before stealing it. No more dilly-dallying!
No Fees for Sketchpad
This is a simple script-based mod that removes the crafting cost to start a project or design a tattoo on the digital sketchpad, as there is no canvas or material to pay for. To compensate, the retail value of any resulting artwork is reduced to 1/3 of its original value.
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Polite Aliens
(Requires Get to Work)
This is a small mod that prevents Alien Sims from autonomously using their powers to Analyze, Empathize, or Memory Erase other Sims.
Baked Goods
(Requires Get to Work)
This is a simple script-based mod that moves recipes for baked goods from the Cooking or Gourmet Cooking skills to the Baking skill. This includes the fridge menus where they are located, the XP your Sims get from making them, and the skill required to make them.
Thunderstorm Moodlet Rework
(Requires Seasons)
This mod changes it so the indoors Thunderstorm moodlet is an invisible, +0 strength moodlet with some underlying effects. Sims are 10x less likely to autonomously use any outdoor objects while it's storming. While having no mood strength itself, if your Sim does get a Scared moodlet, it will be 1.5x as strong in the mood math. This also applies to any Sad moodlets.
I've made no changes to the outdoor moodlet, so thunderstorms will still cause Sims to become Scared and run inside.
No Touching Change
(Requires Get Famous)
This is a small mod that removes the constant boost to the Confident mood for celebrities who have the "No Touching" fame quirk and successfully avoid people. The Tense moodlet from physical contact is unchanged.
Pool Tweaks
(Requires Island Living)
This mod changes guest behavior at pools to utilize features from the Island Living beaches. This includes:
- Lifeguards now show up to pools during the day. They behave pretty much identically to lifeguards from Beach venues, so are not actually very helpful. They are more interested in flexing and doing push-ups.
- Some pool guests will now go tanning if there are lounge chairs or beach towels present on the lot.
- Some pool guests are more likely to autonomously use pool floats (or jet skis if you decide to place one in the pool).
- Sims with the Goofball, Childish, or Bad Manners trait will autonomously prank suntanners and splash in the pool.
No Crying in Beer Pong
(Requires Discover University)
This is a small mod to prevent Sims from crying or sobbing when they miss a shot while playing beer (or "juice") pong. Instead the Sim will just sigh and act a bit frustrated instead of getting tears in their cup.
Just Go To Class
(Requires Discover University)
Due to how traveling and routing works in the game, there is some weird behavior regarding university students heading to class. While on campus, student have to run across the playing area to an actual building when it's time for class. This eats time, and if the route gets interrupted, your Sim could miss class altogether. When compared to students living off-campus who just need to walk a few feet past their front door to teleport to class, students in dorms are at a massive disadvantage.
This mod evens the playing field. Sims living on campus will now only need to walk to the front of their lot or an elevator in order to attend class, just the same as off-campus students or any Sim going to work. Your Sim will still get a notification an hour before class, but they will not try to walk to the building until class time. NPCs will still walk to their classroom to give a sense of movement and life on campus.
Free Dorm Food Changes
(Requires Discover University)
This mod changes the types of food that roommates/dormmates bring home with them. They will now bring pizza or sandwiches instead of a whole roast chicken or lobster.
No Eco Footprint Reminder
(Requires Eco Lifestyle)
This mod removes the notification reminding you about what kind of Eco Footprint is active on the lot. You can use your eyes instead.
Less Frequent Prom
(Requires High School Years)
This mod makes it so Prom is automatically scheduled every other week instead of every week. Additionally, other high school events are only scheduled one week in advance so that your calendar isn't constantly full.
This goes into effect on new save files or the next calendar cycle in existing save files. Events already on the calendar are unaffected.
No ThriftTea Notification
(Requires High School Years)
This mod removes the daily notification that ThriftTea has restocked.
No Social Bunny Reminder
(Requires High School Years)
This mod removes the nightly notification reminding you to post something on Social Bunny.
More Trait Compatibility
(Requires Growing Together or Lovestruck)
This is a simple mod that adds more of the game's traits to the Social Compatibility system where they make sense.
This also applies to the Turn On/Turn Off system.
While the game's unmodded list of traits is pretty extensive, there are some places where it missed a few, especially Life Skill traits from the Parenthood pack. For a full list of traits added into the system, check this post here.
Apartment Event Odds
(Requires For Rent)
This mod changes the rules the game uses to trigger tenant and landlord events to curb some of the more annoying ones.
Across the board, all events will happen less frequently.
Pet Adoption Day will no longer occur in units with the No Pets Allowed rule active.
Tenant Revolt will happen much less often if nothing is wrong the apartment, but much more often if the unit does have problems such as broken appliances. Tenant Revolts will never happen if the unit has a rating or 4 or 5.
If a unit has problems AND a high rating, a Lease Break event will become more likely instead.
Apartment Rent Modifiers
(Requires For Rent)
This mod changes the rules that increase or decrease the max rent limit.
As a baseline, the max rent per tile of space in the unit has been raised from 2 to 5.
Max rent can be affected by the neighborhood the unit is located in, lot traits/challenges, active NAPs, and the eco footprint. For a full list of effects, check out this post here.
No Cupid's Corner Reminder
(Requires Lovestruck)
This mod removes the daily notification reminding you to use Cupid's Corner if your Sim is not in a committed relationship.
(Requires Life & Death and Seasons)
This mod changes the winter behavior in Ravenwood to allow snow and make trees drop their leaves. During all other seasons, Ravenwood will have autumn colors.
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Longer Lasting Nails
(Requires Spa Day)
This mod changes the duration of a manicure from one day to three days by default.
Additionally, I've slightly changed the Sad moodlet that Sims get when they wear off; most Sims now only get a +1 Sad moodlet that lasts 60 minutes max, even if you have Meaningful Stories installed. Sims who have either the Gloomy, Snob, Self-Absorbed, High Maintenance, or Lavish trait will get a +2 Sad moodlet for 180 minutes and it can be made even longer by Meaningful Stories.
This mod has a dedicated settings file that enables you to change the duration to something of your choosing easily. The file is called "[Kuttoe] LongerLastingNails_Settings.cfg" and is kept with your saves in your "The Sims 4\saves\Kuttoe" folder. It generates once you load the game with the mod installed. To change it, open the cfg file with Notepad and change the number inside to whatever duration you want, in minutes. One day is 1440 minutes, two days is 2880, etc.
Autumn Hollow
(Requires Vampires and Seasons)
This mod changes the trees and plants in Forgotten Hollow so that they use Autumn colors for the vast majority of the year.
Parenthood Hard Mode
(Requires Parenthood)
This mod makes it so children, starting at toddler age, begin with negative character values instead of all zeros. It will be a random value in the red, ranging from 0 to -85. This keeps them out the range for the negative trait, but squarely in range for misbehaving autonomy. This means you'll have to actually raise your kids and earn the positive traits. Certain negative personality traits, as defined as Maxis, will increase the odds that a Sim starts in a much worse position than the average Sim, but positive traits will make them more likely to have a neutral or positive starting point.
Responsible Trait Nerf
(Requires Parenthood)
For the longest time, I thought this was a bug; it's not really well documented or telegraphed by the game. By default, Responsible Sims only need to do their career home task once. This doesn't really make sense to me and it's way too overpowered in my opinion.
This mod removes the benefit from Responsible Sims so that they will be expected to complete their work task before every shift in order to get the career performance bonus. This mod does not affect the chance cards that Responsible Sims will sometimes receive at work or any other benefits of the trait.
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Tiny Home Nerfs
(Requires Tiny Living)
This mod alters the bonuses for Tiny Home lots so that they are less overpowered and more situational. Benefits tend to get more powerful as you build tinier homes to reward more thoughtful creations.
- Tier 3 Bonuses - Small Home
- Happy, Inspired, and Focused moodlets last 11% longer (down from 100%)
- Tier 2 Bonuses - Tiny Home
- Happy, Inspired, and Focused moodlets last 33% longer (down from 100%)
- 10% boost to all creative and mental skills (down from 100%, no longer affects other skill categories)
- Happy, Inspired, and Focused moodlets last 33% longer (down from 100%)
- Tier 1 Bonuses - Micro Home
- Happy, Inspired, and Focused moodlets last 100% longer (unchanged)
- 20% boost to all creative and mental skills (down from 100%, no longer affects other skill categories)
- All relationship changes are multiplied by 1.5x (down from 2x, and now affects decreases)
All other benefits, such as lower bills, are unchanged.
Bite the Dust
(Requires Bust the Dust)
This set of mods makes changes to the dust system and its effects. The pieces can be mixed and matched, sometimes even with other creator's mods.
- Dust Interaction Rework
- Sims will now only vacuum autonomously if they have the Neat, Fastidious, or Responsible trait, or if they are in an Energized mood (Slobs, and Irresponsible Sims will never vacuum autonomously)
- Sims can only detect the Dust Level if they have the Neat or Fastidious trait
- The positive moodlets for Clean and Dusty houses are now invisible and no longer affect mood
- Dust Level Nerfs
- Clean house:
- no longer provides a 20% Energy bonus
- no longer provides a 25% bonus to all skills
- no longer provides an effectiveness bonus to Creative skills
- no longer boosts the Responsibility character value
- now only provides a 10% Hygiene bonus (down from 20%)
- now only provides a 1 point bonus to Cooking skills (down from 2)
- Dusty house:
- now only provides a 10% bonus to Fun and Social increase (down from 20%)
- Dirty house:
- now provides a 3 point penalty to Cooking skills
- Filthy house:
- no longer provides an effectiveness penalty to Creative skills
- now provides a 8 point penalty to Cooking skills (up from 2)
- Clean house:
- No Cash For Dust
- Dust Bunnies and Filth Fiends no longer passively generate money
- Dirty Dust Bunnies
- Dust Bunnies now only spawn in Dirty or worse conditions
- Dust Bunnies will despawn when the house reaches Dusty, Dirt Piles will despawn when the house reaches Clean
- Floors in the "Dusty" state no longer get any overlay. This is to prevent certain shiny floor types such as wood from looking unreasonably dirty while in a neutral state.
- No Dusty Audio
- The game will no longer play an audio sting when the dust level of the home changes.
Special Thanks
The Sims 4 Studio team for making Sims 4 Studio
Scripting assistance from LeRoiDeTout
Discord Server & Mod Support
For questions about the mods and troubleshooting, the best way to get ahold of me is the Sim After Dark Discord server. It is a joint mod support server for LeRoiDeTout, Shinobu Nox, NC4T/Keke, and myself. It is a lively server that offers troubleshooting for our mods and others', as well as discussion about The Sims 4.
All my mods are free to download and will remain so, but if you'd like to support me you can pledge to my Patreon where I occasionally post progress updates and exclusive access to beta versions of my newer mods.
Updated | 1 day ago |
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (10 total ratings) |
Author | Kuttoe |
Install instructions
To install mods, unzip the file(s) in your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder, or a subfolder in that directory. Make sure you have both mods and scripts enabled in your game settings under the "Other" tab.
Development log
- Apartment Rent ModifiersFeb 07, 2024
- More Trait CompatibilityApr 01, 2023
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Please provide a all-in-one download file with all the zip files or add last update date to all the files to make it easy to understand what file was updated, i am pretty sure I'm not alone downgliding everything on every update...
hey, for [Kuttoe] NoTouchingChange id propose this rework, maybe you'll like it:)
Overhaul for pristine trait of superstar sims 4 where it triggers not every few hours but rather for example after doing sports (and of course with a timer when it can trigger again so its not appearing every time) or after some activity that would require them to look in the mirror like for example dancing, someone taking a photo of the sim, changing an outfit, swimming or any these kind of activities
Hi! I'm just wondering if you could possibly add the Rancher trait to the Howdy Introduction in Regional Greetings?
All your mods are true game savers!! But I honestly couldn't live without all your mini mods..they fix things in the game that I didn't know I needed fixing!! Thank you so much!! 💜💜
Hi :) There is only a single script file in the Parenthood Hard Mode package file, is the second package file missing?
No, that is only a script. There is no package file for that mod.
Thank You for info, best regards :)
Hey! Thank you so much for these mods--I love them. I'm experiencing an issue with low sleep is dazed, though. The moodlet itself shows as being dazed but my sim ends up in an uncomfortable mood. Any ideas how I might fix this?
For troubleshooting, please come to the Discord server. I will need more information about your game state and the Sim in question.
Thank you for sharing!
Hello, I was wondering if Bust the Drugs by Basemental is compatible with your Bite the Dust.
Most of it. I believe the Dirty Dust Bunnies file conflicts with it, though.
That's helpful to know, so thank you!
Hi, is parenthood hard mode updated from the last version on the seperate page, or is it the same
Parenthood Hard Mode hasn't been updated recently, no. This reorganization was just to help me manage things better from the project navigation side.