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Hi! I just recently tried out this Mod and absolutely loved it, however as I'm interested in also trying Zer0's Custom Degrees and  Required Degree For Promotion Mods I wanted to know if they'd conflict with this as I find it the most likely

Required Degree for Promotion conflicts with my mod since they edit the same thing.  Custom Degrees conflicts with the Degree Nerf Addon so if you want that mod, be sure to remove my addon. 

Thank you!

Does this work for yesterdays patch?

I haven't received any error reports or experienced any issues in my game with it, so it seems to be all good. Are you having any problems with it?

(1 edit)

I really like this mod. Thx for all of the hard work.

Does this work with Zero´s Job finding mod?

Glad you like it. Yes, I believe that mod is compatible with mine.

How can i modify this

Hello, is Your mod compatible with Zerbu Turbo Careers mod?

I believe so, but I have not thoroughly tested the combo. Try it out if you'd like and let me know the results.


Chinese translation

I'm extremely sorry, I already have a Chinese translation from crimsonlycoris, but something must have happened with the most recent upload and it wasn't merged in properly. I've uploaded a fixed version of the mod now so that the Chinese translation will appear correctly in game. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for the effort you put into making this for me.

Hi, Kuttoe. Does this add Work From Home assignments to more careers?

This mod does not, but it is compatible with the "Work From Home" mods by NoelleBellefleur. They haven't been updated in a while, but Noelle says they are still (99%) working.

Thank you for this. Keep safe.

Just wanted to know if you have given any thought to changing the pay of the part time jobs. I love this mod by the way.

Many of the part time jobs have been adjusted, especially for teens. Is there a career you think should be very different? Glad you like the mod.  :)

Hi I notice the pay of the the manual labour career barely has been changed. I think getting paid 70$ and hour at level 3 seems a bit excessive 

For adult Sims, this was intentional; teens have half the pay. With the hours that the Manual Labor career works, $70/hour comes out to just $700/week, which is on par or below most other careers around the same level.  Combined with their inability to advance their career any further, this seemed like fair compensation. 

Hi, I actually was just wondering if you could update the mod so that sims with two degrees would start at that job level. My sim finished two degrees (psychology and biology) and I was expecting for them to start off as a general practitioner, but it only started them as a nurse.

Hm, I can see why that would be disappointing. Currently, the game's code only supports a boost for one degree (or other trait) at a time, but I'll look into it and see if I can come up with a workaround or new code.

Thank you so much!

Hi, do you mind updating the cheat sheets with the Home Decorating career?

I haven't made any changes to the new career yet, and it doesn't have any skill requirements anyway. It's a new type of freelance so I'm still getting a feel for how it works both in the game and in the code.

Hi, I was just wondering what a technical degree was. I saw it in the cheat sheet, and was a bit confused.

A technical degree is any of the more scientific-oriented degrees which are considered Distinguished programs at Foxbury (Biology, Comp Sci, Economics, Physics, Psychology, Villainy).

With this mod does the promotion requirement bar ever go down if you don't meet your goals/do well at work? I know it never does in the base game, and it's not really mentioned on the page, jw thank you

No, the performance bar behaves the same and is based on their attendance and work tone. There's not really anything I want to or plan to do with the performance bar itself, but I do have ideas for the work tones.

Thank you so much for answering! I've actually been thinking about this a lot since I saw ur reply. I hope it's not too rude to ask but if that's the case do you think it would be safe to pair this mod with Harder Career Progression by Lotharihoe, link:

It's all about making the promotion bar more real, allowing it to go up and down. I love a lot of their work as well as yours, similar vibe. I think they could pair well if they don't conflict 😅 thank you so much either way. 

This mod does look like it conflicts with mine in a few places. I think I see the merit of what they're doing and what kind of feature you are after, though. I'll keep it in mind for future versions of the career overhaul and see where I can make things fit in.

That's so cool, thank you! Looking forward to it, and for now, I'll stick with this one solo <3


I installed the mod today but it seems not to work for example applying for a job I get it right away I also don't have an option to interview or anything although I'm am only able to see the new promotion requirements

I think you have confused my mod for a different one.

Deleted 3 years ago


I just registered to report that this mod is not working  properly with Dream Home Decorator job.  If you tried to  Reveal your renovations after redecorating,  the Before/After slideshow does not show up and at the end of the career when the client if giving you the final review, the game got stuck and the ending popup does not appear. 

I managed to  get them when taking out this mod. Hope it got fixed because I love your mod!

Hello there! I just published a fix that I believe should take care of this issue. Please install it and let me know if you are able to complete a gig.

Thanks for the quick turnaround, and here I thought I would need to take a break from    Sims for a while  earlier lol

Everything  working as it was supposed to now!


i wanted to let you know that your mod is not working properly for me. When I use it in my game I have little llamas in the interarction menu when I talk to other sims. I hope you know what I mean.  Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean really. Can you head over to my support channel on our Discord server to troubleshoot the issue? I or one of my friends will be happy to help solve it.


I dont know why, but now it seems that it worked. Maybe it was helpful to remodel my Mods Folder :) Sorry for the missunderstanding. Hope you have a wonderful day. BTW i joined your Server. Thank you for this great mod!!

(1 edit)

hello! love the idea of this mod. do you know if this mod conflicts with zero's job finding mod? 

I don't believe they conflict directly. We edit different parts of the game in these mods. I can't guarantee they work well together for game balance but that's a personal choice.

thank you!

Did you ever try this? How did the combo work out? Thinking of doing the same thing.

Can you check on Wellness (Spa day?) being a requirement for anything in the athlete career when the player doesn't have Spa Day? 

This is an intended goal for the Bodybuilder career and will show up regardless of packs due to the way Objectives in the game work. After a conversation with some other modders (frankk, TwelfthDoctor1, and ChippedSim), we may have deduced a way for the game to allow you to skip this if you don't have the pack installed, but it will take me some time to code and test it. For now, I recommend using a mod like UI Cheats or MCCC to skip that specific objective, or uninstall the file for the Athlete career if you don't want to deal with it.

Hi! The Spanish translation is not working on my game. Some of the requirements are showing in English. 

Thank you for reporting this! It should be fixed in the update I just published. Let me know if it works for you now.


It is working now ¡Muchas gracias!

Hi!! Is this working ok with the 23rd of march patch?? Thanks!!

Yep, everything appears to be working and no update was necessary for this most recent patch.

(1 edit)

Got a raise in Customer Support job that offered a bonus of 1,999. Bonuses in Tech guru down the line were more like 600. I think something might be off.

I am not able to reproduce this in my game. The lower level Tech Guru positions are getting bonuses on the order of $100 and no one gets a bonus approaching $1,999 until level 8. Which position gave you that much money? Do you have any other mods installed, especially those which might affect careers?

(1 edit)

I don't think so - the only mod that affects money would be MCCC. It was Earned a Raise - Customer Support, got an additional 10 an hour and a 1,999 bonus. After I had graduated and changed careers I would get 400-600 bonuses, but it struck me as odd that I started out and so soon got such a huge bonus.

Is that from a custom career? I don't see a position in the Tech Guru career called Customer Support.

Double checking my mods - the only possible thing would be Neia_Careers_Commons, but I don't have any of its mods. I don't know if it really adds anything as opposed to being a framework for more packages. I've deleted it, for now.

I noticed in the cheat sheet for Athletic it says "Wellness", but in game it shows Logic for Professional Athlete. I don't know if this is because of the file itself, which had an older version of the mod, or something else.

Here's a screenshot of the promotion goals in question:

That is actually a mistake in the Cheat Sheet! I will get that fixed. It is intentional that Bodybuilders have to train Wellness as most of their job description is actually personal training, and Professional Athletes train Logic as they formulate plays and game strategy. Thanks for catching this typo.

Thank you for the clarification.

Hey I found a bug fulfilling the "Reach Programming lvl 8" goal in the tech-guru level 8 career, with 10 programming on my sim. I made some screenshots:

Lemme know if you need more info :) Thanks for the great mod!

Thank you for the report! I was able to find and fix the issue. The updated version should work now.

(3 edits)

Hello! I created a Chinese translation of the mod:

Hello! Thank you for the translation, but I cannot access it from this link as it says the file was deleted. Do you have an updated link?

I was able to download this copy. Thanks! I will get this added to the mod. :)

Hello, I was wondering if you could help. I downloaded the Mod, my sim works an Angel Investor. But I don't see where the salary increased after I placed the mod in game. 

Did you install the ts4script file? Do you have scripts enabled in your game settings?

Hello, yes I have the package file and the script file. I also have scripts mods enabled

What is the hourly rate of your Angel Investor and how much are you expecting?

It's 684 at a level 10 I thought your mod made the hourly rate more than the game 

684 is waaaaay higher than both the vanilla game and my mod. The normal hourly rate is 406 and with my mod the hourly rate is 471. With a 41% bonus from a Distinguished Economics Honors Degree, that would bring the rate up to only 664. Your Sim is doing quite well for themselves, and they either have a number of other bonuses already active, or benefits from a different mod.

I love the idea of this mod but the minimum requirements are quite high for the average user. If Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat, and Parenthood's components were optional instead of required, I'd totally get this; I think careers are a very weak part of the game.


I've just released an update to the mod that restructures how the files work. It is now possible to exclude the careers that would require those packs if you'd like. Alternatively, you can still use them if you wish and then skip the goal for the skills you don't have installed using MCCC or UI Cheats.

Nice! I'll have to try it, then!

Thanks you for your creation. There's one thing: MC Command Center has the option to speed up and slow down (that's what i need) the career growth. Does it work with your mod per chance?

Yes, it should be compatible. While I increase the difficulty of promotions by changing the goals, I don't alter the "difficulty" directly by slowing the progress bar like the MCCC settings do. It should be perfectly safe to use those settings in combination with my mod if you want an even harder experience. 

Hello. Is your mod compatible with these other two? University Costs More and University - Higher Scholarships by Zero. Thank you!

Should be. I don't make any direct changes to university classes or scholarships. 

(1 edit)

I would really like you to cooperate with other modders and add support for new careers. For example kiara.


Hi! Could you take a look if it's compatible with Zero's new Job Finding mod? In theory that mod should only affect getting a job, not progressing in one, and they seem like a fun fit together. If not, is it possible to make a compatible version?


There appears to be no direct conflict between the two, but I cannot guarantee they will work well together for balanced gameplay.


thanks! i'll let you know if i spot an issue

Well, did you spot anything? :)

This mod doesn't require Get Together, but the Athlete career requires the Dancing skill, which is only available with Get Together. 

Thanks for the heads up, I honestly thought it was a base game skill. I will add it the mod description. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Does this also include part-time careers? Just for the adjusted pay rates. 

Good question, I forgot to mention this in my cheat sheet. Pay rates for adults in part-time jobs have been left unchanged. I may go back in later and do a more thorough change to their hours, work schedule, and requirements, but for now they are the same as base game. Pay rates for teens in part-time jobs have been decreased, roughly half as much across the board.

Does this affect the "played" careers like acting?

This does effect the Get To Work careers since they have a salary component, but it does not yet affect the Acting career or freelance careers since the code for "gigs" is different. It's on my to-do list, though. 

Hello, thank you so much for such a mod, but i was wondering i only have four of the expansion packs (get to work, discover uni, parenthood, and city living) cant i download it with no problems occuring? 

Thank you

Without the other packs, you may not be able to complete every promotion goal, as they require skills that don't exist in your game or the fame system in order to progress. It may not be very fun that way, but you may be able to use other mods such as UI Cheats to complete those goals without the other packs. If you try it and that works, please let me know.

(1 edit)

Does it conflict with mods that alter payments for freelancer jobs? Or songs, paintings, books royalties ? 


No, at least not yet. I haven't done a pass over the freelancer jobs due to gigs working very differently from normal hourly pay jobs. It's on my to-do list, though. 

I haven't touched royalties at all, since those have been well covered by other modders already. If there is a need for it in the future, I may edit those as well, but for the foreseeable future there should be no conflict there.

Thanks Kuttoe! I have one last question. Will it conflict with NoelleBelle fleur's Work at Home mods?

(1 edit) (+1)

No, I don't think it would conflict, but in honesty I haven't tested it. Due to how work at home tasks function, I think choosing that option will pay the original rates instead of the adjusted rates, but considering the extra effort that goes into that you might find that acceptable. Either way, I would be interested to hear how it works in your game.

will Salary Employee from Snowy Escape be included at some point?

Salaryman is already included in this mod. As the game adds more careers, I will make sure to adjust them too. Consider this mod in-development.

Thanks for the clarification! I didn't see the career mentioned in the main description. Looking forward to what else your career suite brings to our Sims.

Is this compatible with MCC options that change Career, University, or Skill difficulty? I figured it would conflict with the career difficulty options, but what about the other two?

(2 edits)

I don't think there will be an issue between MCC and Career Overhaul Suite. Because I used a similar mod called Zero's University - Required Degree For Promotions (similarly titled) and found no issues with the pay rates and requirements. I am trying this mod out for myself because this suite included more than what Zero's mod offered. Her/his only touched the career requirements (skills and levels) in order to promote.

Yes, it should be compatible. While I increase the difficulty of promotions by changing the goals, I don't alter the "difficulty" directly by slowing the progress bar like the MCCC settings do. It should be perfectly safe to use those settings in combination with my mod if you want an even harder experience. 

Thanks for the confirmation! I love having a more difficult/realistic experience, so I am definitely going to try this mod out as I only now discovered it through Basemental. I wont jack up the difficulty at first and see how it goes with your default settings on my "Long" playthrough. Your mod only affects the career difficulty itself right and doesn't actually change skill up or University progress difficulty right?

Correct, I don't make any changes to skill rates, homework rates, or university grades directly with this mod, so feel free to use other mods or MCCC settings to adjust those to your desired rates. :)

Hi, Kuttoe. Thank you for another streamlined mod. Just a suggestion, if you could include custom careers by other simmers?

Custom careers have their requirements and pay set up by their creators, so it would kind of be like stepping on other modder's toes to do that. However, if another modder wants to use my mod as a base to add degree or fame requirements to their own careers, or if they would like help setting up a custom promotion goal, I would be happy to help with that.

Hi! I created a German translation of the mod:

This has now been added to the mod. Thank you for the translation, I really appreciate it. :)

Hi! Here is the Russian translation of the mod

This has now been added to the mod. Thank you as always for your quick work! :D

Is this mod compatible with Zero's Degree Requirement mod, or do we only need yours?

Same question.

I would think these do variations of the same thing and would not both be necessary nor are they likely compatible.

Both mods are incompatible. They modify the same resources. The rework this one does for degrees is pretty weak compared to Zero's.

Marquillotuca89 is correct, our mods would alter the same tuning files, so they would conflict. My mod includes some degree requirements for many careers, but likely not in the same way. I will try to post a blog with all the new pay rates and requirements soon.

Thank you!!

I have no problems if you want to completely take required degree for promotions and include it into your mod - Zer0

Quick question, I assume this mod doesn't conflict with Zero's Custom university careers? I took out the degree requirement part as that was optional.

This mod conflicts with Zero's Degree Requirement for Promotions mod, I'm not familiar with one called Custom University Careers. Do you have a link to it?

(1 edit)

Sure thing, oh and I meant to write Custom Degrees not careers, sorry for the confusion; it's this one:

Yep, that should be okay as long as you have my Degree Nerf addon removed.

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