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(1 edit)

So because of my gameplay style (historical) I'm interested in a very hardcoded version of this mod. Is there a way to block even tourist sims from hopping worlds? (except when I choose to travel with a Played Household). Or perhaps, having the ability to toggle which sims worlds are allowed to travel where? (For example sims from Windenburg will also show up in Henford on Bagely, but they cannot show up in Sulani, etc). Perhaps a system/UI like what they have for neighborhood stories would work?

Grouping up worlds in an idea that I'm currently thinking about ways to implement. A tourist toggle like you suggest seems like something that should be possible, I'll add it to the list.

I’m excited to see what you’re able to come up with! One more question, though I feel like I saw this asked somewhere else, I just can’t find it: is it possible to view in game what world homeless sims belong to?  And then to assign/reassign them? NPCC has a function for assigning sims to different jobs, so idk if this would function similarly. 

I'm not aware of anyway to view that info in game. While I would like to make a way to assign worlds to homeless Sims, I don't currently know how to manipulate that data directly, so it will require more investigation on my part.

I scrolled around some more and found the thread where this was brought up.:) so,  it may or may not be possible within the mod? But, moving sims changes their resident status? So, in theory, if I have an empty residential lot in, say, Sulani, I can move all the homeless households that I want to be identified as Sulani residents into that lot, one at a time. Then I can evict them from that lot, and they will become Homeless again, but they will still identify as Sulani sims? It could be tedious, but would that work…?

I believe once you evict them, the game resets all of their regional data. Same as if you move them in somewhere. But I need to find out where exactly that info is being stored and do some experiments to be sure.

will sims still call up and come to say willow creek for basemental or will  dealers need to go to them?

I saw ChippedSim tweet about how there's no filters on who kids can meet at school in game, and I always thought it was weird when kids in Oasis Springs would meet kids from Mt. Komorebi or Sulani. Is this something you think you'd be interested in adding? Thanks!


Interesting idea. I can look into this, but it may not be the same kind of code.

Sweet thanks for the update. Gonna try it out

this is preventing hired restaurant staff from showing at work. Just uninstalled and hired sims show up. It's probably better to let the mod change the hiring filters than to bypass restaurant staff spawn filters IMO.

I was able to track down the cause of this. A fix for it will be included in the next update soon. Thanks for reporting! Unfortunately, hiring filters and the filters that determine who can show up to perform a function on a lot are very different things in the code and would require a whole other script.

Thanks! I really love this mod, but my gameplay usually involve a lot of business buying and townie rehiring, so I had to turn it off. A bypass is better than nothing. Thanks for working on this mod. The sims 4 is a joke without modders like you.

Hello, happy new year, I would like to ask if you can do something for the Grumpy active career daycare mod, when I have your mod installed and I go into the quarry, my toddlers do not come, is it possible to do some things because I like your mod too (dsl j use google translate, i'm french

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you come to the Discord please? We can find a French interpreter for us there.

Which one is better. This or Lotharihoe's sim spawn overhaul?

How does this effect smaller worlds such as magnolia promenade. I like to use that world as an extension of willow creek. I saw where you were thinking of making this mod a bit less hard coded and I do think that could be good for some of the smaller worlds. 

I took a look at the code and was surprised to find Magnolia Promenade is not filtered at all. It's currently a nexus of all the worlds. I'm of the opinion that small worlds like Forgotten Hollow and Glimmerbrook should be fairly isolated, but I am warm to the idea of Magnolia Promenade using the Willow Creek filter. I will continue to look into a soft filter for the mod, too. Stay tuned.

Does it conflict with the NPC Control mod? I have already set a variety of NPC sims to play in different lots (but not living in any world) and I would like to know if they will still show up. Thanks! :)

To the best of my knowledge, NPCC is currently broken and will cause errors by itself. I'm not sure how my mod will interact with it, but probably not well.

Deleted 1 year ago

No, there's no hidden traits involved. There's a separate kind of game data that tells it where a Sim lives. As far as I know, the only time this can be assigned to a Sim is during creation or when they move houses, so I'm not aware of a good way to assign that to an already existing townie at this time.

Deleted 2 years ago

No, I don't think that editing them in CAS has any effect on their residence or homeless status. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks for bringing that up. Sims showing up to an Active Career should already have a bypass, but I will look into this. Can you explain what you mean by "already set some sims before" though? 

This mod is making me wonder if there would be a chance to create a similar one with slightly less hard coding, allowing some visitors occasionally from other worlds? But overall this is great and will stop Nancy Landgraab for appearing at every single one of my community lots, so thank you!

There are some situations built in already where visitors from outside the neighborhood will appear. Sims attending festivals from any pack for example can come from all over because it makes sense that those types of events would have tourists. 

However, a similar thought to yours did cross my mind while I worked on this update. I think it should be possible to make soft filters work, where the game prefers local Sims but won't shut out others completely. I'll need to ponder on how it would work exactly, and if that's something I should fold into this mod (possibly with a toggle or only for certain situations), or release as something separate.

In the meantime, have fun with your Nancy-free neighborhoods. :)

Thank you for your reply! And happy new year! I'll be keeping a lookout for any mod updates from you as always, in case an idea for this pops up! Thank you for all of your hard work on your mods.

(1 edit)

Doesn't Lotharihoe's Sim Spawn Overhaul already do that?


tbh i prefer this over SSO, feels more stable and less complicated

I needed this! Does it also block the generation of new NPC? Or maybe there is a mod that does that? I'm so over this newly created NPC in my game when I made my own save file...

No, this mod on its own will very likely increase the population in your save file, as it tries to generate local townies for every world. It will try to use existing Sims first, though. There are other mods available that can and will restrict the generation of new random Sims, though. MCCC, for instance, can be configured so that the game only makes new Sims when it absolutely has to (like to work at a bar).

I've been wanting something like this for a while now! Thanks so much!!!

Kuttoe- this is really cool and helpful!

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