Hi Kuttoe, thank you for this amazing mod. Like others have mentioned, it is one of my must haves for gameplay. Noticed with the update for Nordhaven, that the "move unassigned townies to" option isn't listing Nordhaven. It is listed on the "movies townies to" menu. Also, it appears the original residents of Nordhaven aren't listed as already assigned to the world (including those that live in lots). Thanks again got this amazing mod.
This mod is interfering with skill classes in the new EP Hobbies and Businesses. Tried messing with the settings but could not get it to work :/When my Sim tries to start a paid class in a small business lot, the costumers wont attend it, no matter what I do, so the event always fails because there are no students.
Hey, I refuse to play without this mod as well, but I have noticed that I have been getting unending loading screens when loading into a new lot with this mod. I tried reinstalling the game, taking everything out but this and townie demographics that is how much I love this mod, (I refuse to play without it) but it seems it this is the culprit. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have a similar problem to you, I refuse to play without the mod, I can't stand seeing NPCs in worlds where they are not from, but it is true that the mod is causing a lot of lag during gameplay, even on the loading screen when traveling to any lot, I also did the same tests as you and the mod is the cause.
I think we should wait for a future update of the mod.
Yup having the same problem as you both. Can't build on lots and leave due to it being a forever loading screen. Best to wait for an update, its an amazing mod!!
Could you please make it so that the home region menu is a popup one instead? It's getting tedious to go through the menu options constantly to change things.
Also I received an exception report about bad tuning for this mod (thanks to BE), it says the reason has to do with something involving a tourist outfit for Del Sol Valley. I don’t have the Get Famous pack installed so I’m wondering if that may be why I’m getting the report?
First I love this mod, second is there any way to block horses from at least the city? I've got random EA generated with horses in San Myshuno and it isn't enjoyable. If it won't work that's fine, just thought I'd plant a seed...lol. Blessings
Hello. when using the mod I noticed this. when visiting veterinary clinics there are characters from all cities and I can not limit it. in the settings it is enabled that in Willow Creek - forbidden city, but there all the same come from tartosa. how can this be fixed?
Hi Kuttoe, soft filter seems to be causing an issue. Whenever I have it activated. No sims show up in the world such as Magnolia promenade. With it off they return
Hello Kuttoe, I am writing to comment on a small problem that I have noticed in this latest update of the mod, it is that when you have the mod activated it causes a lot of lag for the menu to appear with the shift click with the testingcheats trick activated, I tried removing the mod and the menu lag disappears, but when you activate it again the menu takes a long time to exit when you click, I don't have another region mod except yours because it is the most complete that I have seen so far and it is also super simple , it might be possible to check the mod lag.
I don't know if I have managed to explain myself correctly.
Hey buddy! I have the exact same issue. Clicking on a sim takes year for the social menu to appear. Clicking on objects makes the menu appear fast. But its painful to wait up to 8 seconds for the menu to spawn.
Hi, i'm back again to show some gratitude. i've stopped playing the sims because this mod wasn't working. and now i can finally play again. thanks a lot <3
Seeing someone from Willow Creek randomly at a bar in Windenburg was a shock! I knew I loved this mod but didn't fully realise how essential it is for good gameplay. My sim will be over here thinking, "wow she really looks like someone I know, what a coincidence!" for the time being. Thank you so much for creating this and updating it.
I love love love love ABSOLUTELY LOVEE this mod. It's one of the essential mods for me. I really hate when nancy landgraab just casually appears in her regular clothes in sulani or the forgotton hollow and vice versa... I am absolutely crushed when i saw the mod wasn't working and a spellcaster appeared at my forgotton hollow door, i was devestated :((( I know it's a huge update and it requires lots of fixes probably, i am waiting. Keep up the absolute golden work of yours. ❤️❤️
Hi Kuttoe, thank you for creating this mod. Home region is the most important mod in my game because I don't want my own sims walking around everywhere. Now the only thing I can do is just praying and waiting for your update.
Thank you! Discovering this mod really made the Sims 4 playable for me after so long. I know it's not working now cos of the new pack coming but it doesn't matter thank you anyway 😭
Hello! I just signed up to tell you how much I appreciate this mod. I often see the same 4-5 mods recommended as the mods that people cannot live without, but for me your Home Regions + Townie Demographics mods are my number 1.
Before installing these mods, I often created a family + build, then gave up on gameplay — now I can enjoy play throughs. So just wanted to say a big thank you for your work!
Our team've translated "Home Regions" into Ukrainian! We know that TS4 doesn't have Ukrainian localization, so we would be grateful if you could post here a link to our translation, which is available for other localizations and doesn't conflict with the original mod.
Hi! Just downloaded this mod and I ran Mod Manager to check for mod conflicts but it seems to not conflict with anything in my game. Although first thing after running my game after installing it was an exception error:
"The listed script mod failed to load and should be removed or updated. Failure: 'kuttoe_home_regions/tunable/townie_street' (kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street) No module named 'kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street')"
Hi ! first, thank you Kuttoe for your work on this mod, this is very appreciated to have more "coherents" world.
But for me, I got some troubles with this mod ; especially when I invite a sim from other neighbourhood (regions) for a temporary stay : when I go to community places as club, bars or gym in the neighbourhood with the invited sim, he disappears instantanely !
I went to the "home regions options" bu clicking on the invited sim and I changed the restriction on him for he appears in my neighboorhood but nothing changes...
Then, I noticed that the problem is not just for the invited sims from temporary stay but with ALL the other sims that aren't from my neighbourhood. I Thought it was an uncompatibility with some mods because i've got some mods like : Improved Autonomy when loading screens , more sims in the world, no empty venues when arriving , Faster sim spawning ...and I thought it was some of them that caused troubles but when I put off them from mods folder, the problem was there again (didn't try to put off the mod "more sims in the world" because it's hard to reinstall it after)...
Finally, I tried then an option in game of the homeregions mod to enabled sims from another neighbourhood (like Oasis Spring, for example) to come in in my neighbourhood and IT WORKS sometimes on some community places of the "vanilla game" But unfortunately not on the custom community lots and I don't undestand why... Any solutions ?
If somebody can helps , if you have a solution or another thing, It will be great beacause I want sims around the world to be in my gym, clubs and bar I downloaded from the creator's gallery :)
Ps: sorry by advance for my english and my long long message, I Hope I'm pretty clear ^^
I was wondering if I could add the University to the sims filter by places, just as it exists for the spa, restaurant, shops and even the teenage school.
The truth is that I don't like to see how in the university the game chooses sims from other worlds even though they are limited to not traveling from their world of origin, I prefer that the students and members of the organizations be sims from the same world of Britechester, I don't know if this can be considered for a future update of the mod.
Thank you very much for your work that really makes the game in a cleaner and more organized way.
This is something I can investigate as a possible toggle. However, it may be something that can only be a soft filter, as students can live in any world and will need to be able to access the university lots for a number of reasons.
Is it possible to download previous versions of this mod? My Sims 4 version is and I can't find anywhere the right version of Home Regions for it qwq.
I tried to join discord, I got verified, but I can only read. If possible, please allow me to write a question.
In the meantime, I will write here.
I put the "home region" mod in my game and I really like the flexibility of the settings. But I have a question.
Do new NPCs need to assign a region? Does the mod automatically determine where new NPCs live?
There are a LOT of NPCs in my game (about 800), but they don't walk the streets of San Mishuno. In Magnolia Promenade, new NPCs are constantly being created. I found a setting where you can assign a region for NPS. Do I have to do it manually?
Hi there. Please keep all troubleshooting on the Discord, as I will likely need more information about your game. If you are having trouble verifying your account, post on the Discord in another channel and someone can help you.
Hello, I really love this mod since I don't like at all that the sims of each world cross to other worlds.
I wanted to consult an option if possible that could be added, I mean also being able to relocate the ghosts, because I have realized that both human sims and those who are vampires or wolves or Martians can be relocated, but the ghosts do not allow me to relocate them leaves.
Is there a possibility that this option can also be added?
Thank you very much for considering this possibility, once again I love this mod and your other works.
I hope that the developers soon fix the infinite number of bugs that the game currently has that make it unplayable for many, such as the infamous error of the orange warning signs above the lots and many others.
Hi Kuttoe! First of, love your mods and your work. c:
I discovered a bug in Realm of Magic that causes the ghost vendors not to spawn in. The shops remain closed, you can't buy anything. Removing the mod fixes the issue.
Hi. I noticed one huge bug with your mod. If you live in rentable lot (new ep) and you have situation (like Electrical - situation_muEvent_Electrical.SituationTuning) and you call landlord who live in another world with restrictions with this city - game send you random (no landlord) NPC tho can't repair objects.
Does this conflict with Carl's Sim Spawner & Filter Tool (SSFT). I like that Carl has an occult filter, but you have the international lot trait and the tourist filter and I just want to combine the tools, lol. Or just have the lot trait, tourist filter, and occult filter (to restrict occults to occult worlds so that when I don't want werewolves turning up in "realisim" play they don't). I don't want occults gone (there's some toggle on, toggle off tools), but I would like to choose to interact with them by keeping them in their zones by occult type.
← Return to mod
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Hi. Russian translation updated https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3K_RypCFOJZ7c5w6PKWFhjHOLiuUaps/view
Hi Kuttoe, thank you for this amazing mod. Like others have mentioned, it is one of my must haves for gameplay. Noticed with the update for Nordhaven, that the "move unassigned townies to" option isn't listing Nordhaven. It is listed on the "movies townies to" menu. Also, it appears the original residents of Nordhaven aren't listed as already assigned to the world (including those that live in lots). Thanks again got this amazing mod.
This mod is interfering with skill classes in the new EP Hobbies and Businesses. Tried messing with the settings but could not get it to work :/When my Sim tries to start a paid class in a small business lot, the costumers wont attend it, no matter what I do, so the event always fails because there are no students.
Hey, I refuse to play without this mod as well, but I have noticed that I have been getting unending loading screens when loading into a new lot with this mod. I tried reinstalling the game, taking everything out but this and townie demographics that is how much I love this mod, (I refuse to play without it) but it seems it this is the culprit. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have a similar problem to you, I refuse to play without the mod, I can't stand seeing NPCs in worlds where they are not from, but it is true that the mod is causing a lot of lag during gameplay, even on the loading screen when traveling to any lot, I also did the same tests as you and the mod is the cause.
I think we should wait for a future update of the mod.
Yup having the same problem as you both. Can't build on lots and leave due to it being a forever loading screen. Best to wait for an update, its an amazing mod!!
Could you please make it so that the home region menu is a popup one instead? It's getting tedious to go through the menu options constantly to change things.
I wanted to confirm, would this mod conflict with choosing high school classmates for high school years?
Hello again. Russian translation updated a couple of weeks ago, I'm afraid you've missed it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3K_RypCFOJZ7c5w6PKWFhjHOLiuUaps/view
Hi Kuttoe, is there a possibility that you can add Forgotten Grotto and Sylvan Glade to possible places to spam Sims? just as you did with Sixam.
Hi! I’m wondering if I should be deleting the settings file in my saves folder when redownloading updated versions of this mod?
Also I received an exception report about bad tuning for this mod (thanks to BE), it says the reason has to do with something involving a tourist outfit for Del Sol Valley. I don’t have the Get Famous pack installed so I’m wondering if that may be why I’m getting the report?
Hello. Russian translation by Jane_Moriarty updated https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3K_RypCFOJZ7c5w6PKWFhjHOLiuUaps/view
First I love this mod, second is there any way to block horses from at least the city? I've got random EA generated with horses in San Myshuno and it isn't enjoyable. If it won't work that's fine, just thought I'd plant a seed...lol. Blessings
Hello. when using the mod I noticed this. when visiting veterinary clinics there are characters from all cities and I can not limit it. in the settings it is enabled that in Willow Creek - forbidden city, but there all the same come from tartosa. how can this be fixed?
Hi Kuttoe, soft filter seems to be causing an issue. Whenever I have it activated. No sims show up in the world such as Magnolia promenade. With it off they return
Hello Kuttoe, I am writing to comment on a small problem that I have noticed in this latest update of the mod, it is that when you have the mod activated it causes a lot of lag for the menu to appear with the shift click with the testingcheats trick activated, I tried removing the mod and the menu lag disappears, but when you activate it again the menu takes a long time to exit when you click, I don't have another region mod except yours because it is the most complete that I have seen so far and it is also super simple , it might be possible to check the mod lag.
I don't know if I have managed to explain myself correctly.
Hey buddy! I have the exact same issue. Clicking on a sim takes year for the social menu to appear. Clicking on objects makes the menu appear fast. But its painful to wait up to 8 seconds for the menu to spawn.
Hello. Russian translation for your mod is updated https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3K_RypCFOJZ7c5w6PKWFhjHOLiuUaps/view
Hi, i'm back again to show some gratitude. i've stopped playing the sims because this mod wasn't working. and now i can finally play again. thanks a lot <3
Seeing someone from Willow Creek randomly at a bar in Windenburg was a shock! I knew I loved this mod but didn't fully realise how essential it is for good gameplay. My sim will be over here thinking, "wow she really looks like someone I know, what a coincidence!" for the time being. Thank you so much for creating this and updating it.
I love love love love ABSOLUTELY LOVEE this mod. It's one of the essential mods for me. I really hate when nancy landgraab just casually appears in her regular clothes in sulani or the forgotton hollow and vice versa... I am absolutely crushed when i saw the mod wasn't working and a spellcaster appeared at my forgotton hollow door, i was devestated :((( I know it's a huge update and it requires lots of fixes probably, i am waiting. Keep up the absolute golden work of yours. ❤️❤️
Hi Kuttoe, thank you for creating this mod. Home region is the most important mod in my game because I don't want my own sims walking around everywhere. Now the only thing I can do is just praying and waiting for your update.
Thank you! Discovering this mod really made the Sims 4 playable for me after so long. I know it's not working now cos of the new pack coming but it doesn't matter thank you anyway 😭
New update just rolled in, Turn around time
Hello! I just signed up to tell you how much I appreciate this mod. I often see the same 4-5 mods recommended as the mods that people cannot live without, but for me your Home Regions + Townie Demographics mods are my number 1.
Before installing these mods, I often created a family + build, then gave up on gameplay — now I can enjoy play throughs. So just wanted to say a big thank you for your work!
Hi Kuttoe!
Our team've translated "Home Regions" into Ukrainian! We know that TS4 doesn't have Ukrainian localization, so we would be grateful if you could post here a link to our translation, which is available for other localizations and doesn't conflict with the original mod.
Thank you for your attention!
Hi! Just downloaded this mod and I ran Mod Manager to check for mod conflicts but it seems to not conflict with anything in my game. Although first thing after running my game after installing it was an exception error:
"The listed script mod failed to load and should be removed or updated. Failure: 'kuttoe_home_regions/tunable/townie_street' (kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street) No module named 'kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kuttoe_home_regions.tunable.townie_street')"
Hi. Updated Russian translation by Jane_Moriarty https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3K_RypCFOJZ7c5w6PKWFhjHOLiuUaps/view
Hi ! first, thank you Kuttoe for your work on this mod, this is very appreciated to have more "coherents" world.
But for me, I got some troubles with this mod ; especially when I invite a sim from other neighbourhood (regions) for a temporary stay : when I go to community places as club, bars or gym in the neighbourhood with the invited sim, he disappears instantanely !
I went to the "home regions options" bu clicking on the invited sim and I changed the restriction on him for he appears in my neighboorhood but nothing changes...
Then, I noticed that the problem is not just for the invited sims from temporary stay but with ALL the other sims that aren't from my neighbourhood. I Thought it was an uncompatibility with some mods because i've got some mods like : Improved Autonomy when loading screens , more sims in the world, no empty venues when arriving , Faster sim spawning ...and I thought it was some of them that caused troubles but when I put off them from mods folder, the problem was there again (didn't try to put off the mod "more sims in the world" because it's hard to reinstall it after)...
Finally, I tried then an option in game of the homeregions mod to enabled sims from another neighbourhood (like Oasis Spring, for example) to come in in my neighbourhood and IT WORKS sometimes on some community places of the "vanilla game" But unfortunately not on the custom community lots and I don't undestand why...
Any solutions ?
If somebody can helps , if you have a solution or another thing, It will be great beacause I want sims around the world to be in my gym, clubs and bar I downloaded from the creator's gallery :)
Ps: sorry by advance for my english and my long long message, I Hope I'm pretty clear ^^
I can't seem to find any info about the university world, do the Schoolmate filter apply to that world or is it excempt from any filter by default?
The schoolmate filter is just for the rabbithole school for children and teenagers. University students currently are allowed to come from all worlds.
Perfect! Thanks for the reply.
Hello Kuttoe!
I was wondering if I could add the University to the sims filter by places, just as it exists for the spa, restaurant, shops and even the teenage school.
The truth is that I don't like to see how in the university the game chooses sims from other worlds even though they are limited to not traveling from their world of origin, I prefer that the students and members of the organizations be sims from the same world of Britechester, I don't know if this can be considered for a future update of the mod.
Thank you very much for your work that really makes the game in a cleaner and more organized way.
This is something I can investigate as a possible toggle. However, it may be something that can only be a soft filter, as students can live in any world and will need to be able to access the university lots for a number of reasons.
Hi Kuttoe!
Is it possible to download previous versions of this mod? My Sims 4 version is and I can't find anywhere the right version of Home Regions for it qwq.
Hi Kuttoe!
I tried to join discord, I got verified, but I can only read. If possible, please allow me to write a question.
In the meantime, I will write here.
I put the "home region" mod in my game and I really like the flexibility of the settings. But I have a question.
Do new NPCs need to assign a region? Does the mod automatically determine where new NPCs live?
There are a LOT of NPCs in my game (about 800), but they don't walk the streets of San Mishuno. In Magnolia Promenade, new NPCs are constantly being created. I found a setting where you can assign a region for NPS. Do I have to do it manually?
Thank you for your reply and great mod!
Hi there. Please keep all troubleshooting on the Discord, as I will likely need more information about your game. If you are having trouble verifying your account, post on the Discord in another channel and someone can help you.
Hello, I really love this mod since I don't like at all that the sims of each world cross to other worlds.
I wanted to consult an option if possible that could be added, I mean also being able to relocate the ghosts, because I have realized that both human sims and those who are vampires or wolves or Martians can be relocated, but the ghosts do not allow me to relocate them leaves.
Is there a possibility that this option can also be added?
I don't see why not. I'll look into adding that in the next release.
Thank you very much for considering this possibility, once again I love this mod and your other works.
I hope that the developers soon fix the infinite number of bugs that the game currently has that make it unplayable for many, such as the infamous error of the orange warning signs above the lots and many others.
Please bring all bug reports and troubleshooting issues to the Discord server. I will likely need more information about your game.
Hi Kuttoe! First of, love your mods and your work. c:
I discovered a bug in Realm of Magic that causes the ghost vendors not to spawn in. The shops remain closed, you can't buy anything. Removing the mod fixes the issue.
Please bring all bug reports and troubleshooting issues to the Discord server. I will likely need more information about your game.
Hi. I noticed one huge bug with your mod. If you live in rentable lot (new ep) and you have situation (like Electrical - situation_muEvent_Electrical.SituationTuning) and you call landlord who live in another world with restrictions with this city - game send you random (no landlord) NPC tho can't repair objects.
Oh, another bug. When you're owner a for rent lot, and your tenant have a problem - event can't finish even when you done tasks
Please bring all bug reports and troubleshooting issues to the Discord server. I will likely need more information about your game.
I would like to , but discord won't let me into your channel
What is your Discord ID? I don't see any recent activity for a user called montek92.
You will have to read the rules before you get access to the server.
Hello, Russian translation updated https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZGDlWBtE5bI2a16aOnmtt3ZF8gT9-CCI/edit
Thank you! This will be added to an update shortly
Will this mod be updated? Game version
Does this conflict with Carl's Sim Spawner & Filter Tool (SSFT). I like that Carl has an occult filter, but you have the international lot trait and the tourist filter and I just want to combine the tools, lol. Or just have the lot trait, tourist filter, and occult filter (to restrict occults to occult worlds so that when I don't want werewolves turning up in "realisim" play they don't). I don't want occults gone (there's some toggle on, toggle off tools), but I would like to choose to interact with them by keeping them in their zones by occult type.
Is it possible to make a lot trait that only allows locals like the opposite of the international hub trait?