A downloadable mod

Last updated February 3rd, 2025

Latest Patch Notes


  • Updated Polish translation by Osqar


  • New trait icon for ghosts who died during combat
  • Updated Italian translation by ISY


  • Repaired for patch 1.101.265


  • Added Dutch translation by gemberveer
  • Updated Polish translation


  • Updated for compatibility with patch 1.99
  • When a Sim dies while serving in war, a portion of Taps is played


  • Cleaned up background code. This should resolve the issue of Sims getting stuck in the war rabbithole in certain situations, and the fatal error when switching households when that happens.


  • Fixed issue that allowed players to send infants to war
  • Overhauled war rabbithole to allow lengthier times away from the home lot
  • Added settings file, see more details below
  • "Tell War Stories" is now recognized by the new conversation preference system

For earlier patch notes, click here.

This mod adds a new self-interaction to Sims to allow them to enlist in a war. This mod was designed with the Decades Challenge in mind to simplify the process of sending Sims to war during certain time periods, and avoid using cowplants or debug cheats to do the deed.  Even if you aren't playing the challenge rules, this mod can also be used for storytelling and roleplay purposes. 

How To Use

To use this feature, click the active Sim (Teen to Adult) navigate to the "Actions..." menu, where you will find an option to "Register for the Draft". A 24 hour moodlet will be added to your Sim with a countdown for when they have to ship out. You can choose this option again while the countdown is active to leave immediately. Once the countdown is up, they will leave the lot for a few days and when it's time for them to return the game will decide their fate. 


By default, Sims have a 50% chance to live or die. Sims who survive will be given the Veteran trait, which gives them a $600 weekly pension but may also cause negative moodlets randomly.  Sims who die will keel over in front of the house, so you do have an opportunity to plead with the Reaper or let Spellcaster familiars to save them. Sims who are spared in this way will still be given the Veteran trait.

Settings File

There is a settings file for this mod that generates in the folder "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves\Kuttoe" after you first play with the mod installed. 

To change your settings, open the "[Kuttoe] EnlistInWar_Settings.cfg" file with Notepad or any text editor and change the number to your desired value. The numbers must be positive, or else they will revert to default.

 "days_spent_at_war" controls how long your Sim will spend time off the lot after shipping out. At the default value of 3, Sims will be gone for 3 days. The minimum value is 1 day, the maximum value is 14 days.

"death_odds_multiplier" controls how likely it is for your Sim to die in the war. At the default value of 1, it's a 50% chance (1/2). At a value of 2, it's a 67% chance (2/3). At a value of 3, it's a 75% chance (3/4). And so on from there. For lower odds, at a value of 0.5, it's a 33% chance (0.5/1.5 or 1/3).


Spanish (thank you, HareShake!)
French (thank you,  Candyman!)
German (thank you, nightlock and LittleDog1002!)
Polish (thank you, Adremi, Astercholik, and Osqar!)
Russian (thank you, AnnieHugss!)
Chinese (thank you, Tina and ttchubb!)
Portuguese (thank you, ju_averaldo!)
Italian (thank you, ISY!)
Czech (thank you, Celine!)
Dutch (thank you, gemberveer!)

New translations are always welcome!


Only the base game is required to use the mod.

Special Thanks

The Sims 4 Studio team for making Sims 4 Studio
Alphabetsmells/LeRoiDeTout for making the custom death script
and the greater The Sims 4 creator community for their continuous help and support throughout the whole modding process

Discord Server

For bug reports, live troubleshooting, discussion of my mods, and general chit-chat, please join us on the Sims After Dark Discord server. It is a joint mod support server for LeRoiDeToutShinobu NoxNC4T/Keke, and myself. 

Join us here!

Supporting My Mods

This mod and all of my others are free to download and will remain so. If you'd like to support their continued development, you can donate to my Patreon. I occasionally post progress updates and exclusive access to beta versions of my newer mods.

Become a Patron!

StatusIn development
CategoryGame mod
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tagsmod, Sims 4


[Kuttoe] EnlistInWar.zip 306 kB

Install instructions

Extract the files from the zip archive. Add the package file and the ts4script file to your Mods folder or a subfolder which is only one deep. For organization, it is usually better to keep the files together, but not strictly required.

Development log


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i will miss the infants in war thingy 😿

btw is there anything i can do to fix the stucking in the rabbit hole problem?

Hi! Here is the Russian translation of the mod from our group Origamika: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUr3ciLTEqwZMuxA2iAhTsCOyawItpv2/view

Any way to fix the issue when sims gets stuck in the rabbit hole? My sim has been gone for a full 7 days now. 

Thanks for updates,  the mod was working for the new update now, thanks :)))))))

Uncompatible with the new patch and deaths :(

(2 edits) (+1)

Think this mod doesn't work anymore. Ever since the huge update, I've been getting script errors from this mod. Not sure if it's broken, or if BetterExceptions is.

Yea, my household was not loading and better exceptions was either showing up or the choose a world screen opened :(


This is a great mod for storytelling. Thank you so much! 

Would it be possible to work in  a feature where the Parents or Spouse/children of a deceased in war veteran to be paid a death benefit? A substantial lump sum and a weekly sum as well? I think for the spouse it should only be paid until the spouse remarries. That might be too complicated, though. Perhaps then just the lump sum death benefit. 100,000 simoleons for example?

OMG, words can't describe how thankful i am for this mod! a big THANK YOU for actually making this!<33


I recommend adding a few things

  • Service medals
  • If you are Fourth Lieutenant and above, you should be wearing the Commissioned officer uniform instead of the Recruits
  • Add a command where you can change your War Outfit, like how You can change your work outfit by sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas

Anyways, Nice Mod.

I am unable to get my Sim to return from war. I tried sending this to discord, but it won't accept my invite.

You don't need to send an invite to anyone, just join the server and read through the rules.

Thank you. I am not computer savvy.

are sims who go to war supposed to come back on winterfest? also is there a notification saying the sim came back from war or no?

Please bring all bug reports and troubleshooting issues to the Discord server.


the mod is not working for me im unsure what i did incorect


Is there a way to edit the settings to make this repeatable? Like more that one tour of duty?


You could learn how to mod so that you can edit the settings yourself. Scumbumbo, Frankk and Lot51 are great at getting modders started. CarlSims4Guides would also probably be happy to look into this for you if Kuttoe doesn't x HTH x

(1 edit)

I figured out that if you remove the veteran trait, then you can reenlist.

I have the last update but still i have the issue of sims getting stuck in the war rabbithole :(

What happens if, say, you send a Sim to war who has the immortality trait?


They probably just won't die then.

I think this mod might have a couple of problems. Whenever my Sims come back from war alive, their miniaturized profiles are still greyed out as if they're still not on the lot. And whenever I try to leave and reenter the lot to fix the problem, I get this loading error: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSims4Mods/comments/12e5dgy/help_i_keep_getting_this_...

For help with errors and troubleshooting, please come to the Discord server so I can get more information about your game. For what it's worth, the comments on that thread claim the error was caused by NPCC.

NPCC isn't a mod I have, far as I know.

Awesome! Thank you for keeping this mod up to date!


SUGGESTION -- sims leave for 1 week total. once per day the sim has a 20% chance to die. if the sim survives that day a pop up will appear as a "letter from (sims name)" where the sim will write home about their experience at war. you can write 10-15 letter scenarios and they can randomly be chosen so it changes each day and will be more unique than the same letters every time. if the sim dies, a letter from the war department will appear instead, stating how the sim died (can add different written scenarios with various death in game death options so each sim can die a different way, lol) and the sim will be sent home to die as usual. PLEASE allow users to change the % risk of death. this is my biggest suggestion, as 50% is too high and most wars in human history did not have this high of a death percentage.

hello I dont know if its a bug or its just like that but I was quit sad to see that he didnt go to war for a long time he did go for like to hours end then he came home but I think it is not realistic

Hello, I have a question about how to download and use other language versions of the mod? I have downloaded the file and put it in the mod folder, but it doesn't work. I would appreciate your answer.

If the translation is available, it will show up in the game automatically based on the language you use. Otherwise, it will use English. For troubleshooting, please join the Discord server, and I or one of my teammates will be able to help you with the installation. 

(1 edit)

Hello, I have a problem with the mod, I downloaded both files and deleted the RAR file, but the mod still does not work. I will be glad if you help me

Please join the Discord server for troubleshooting, and I or one of my teammates will be able to help you with the installation. 


sakdasjiojfgklsasa'k'da's'jio'j'f'g 萨克达

hey i used this mod once and honestly i love it so far ! for my story line i want my male sim to be in the military (which then leads to him cheating on his fiancée, leading her to become a single mother ~ don’t ask) and all of the other military career mods that i’ve found don’t work which is probably bc of the military career in the strangerville pack so this is the best that i can get !!! my only issue is that there’s no option for my sim to register again so i’m just wondering if there’s a time limit between registering and registering again ? or can a sim only do it once ?? this mod is pretty cool tho ty :D <3

The mod is designed with the Decades Challenge rules in mind, so it's only intended to be done once, but you can do it multiple times with testing cheats. When those are on, you can shift-click the Sim you want to ship out again and the option will appear in the Actions menu.


First of all I would like to thank this Mod a lot (and sorry for my english), I liked it a lot and I would also like to make a suggestion to add it (if you want, of course). Here in Brazil, some people are summoned by letter. In fact, for men here, enlistment is mandatory for all adolescent men, but pursuing a career is not (this is just an fact of how it is here). To pursue a career it is necessary to take a test.
Now, about the Mod: And thinking about it (summoned by letter), this could be included "also". The Sim (no matter the gender) can either enlist at their choice or receive a summons letter. Eg: A teen Sim who has a gymnastic skill at an X (eg 3) level could receive a summons card. Of course, because this is a Mod, the Sim who receives a summons letter can have the option to reject enlisting and the rejection may or may not have penalty buffs, such as embarrassed for X hours or days. This is just a suggestion. Again I would like to thank you very much for this Mod, thank you very much.


Hi Kuttoe, I just want to say thank you SO much for creating this mod :) 

I’m currently in the 1970’s of my decades challenge and I’ve used this mod for every single war so far. It’s been extremely helpful and my experience would not be the same without it! 

Glad you like it! :D

My male sims just went off to war and they spun into dresses before leaving. How do I change their outfits

I'll test this in game and see if I can reproduce it. In the meantime, can you join the Discord server and upload a screenshot of the outfit your Sim was wearing before and after?

I didn't get a picture :/ If it happens again I will try to remember to get one. Sorry.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi there, glad you like it so far. Do keep in mind that I made this mod with the Decades Challenge in mind instead of realism, so that's why I made it 50/50 odds. I could conceivably add a settings file to this mod so that people can set their own odds, that's something I will look into. In the meantime, I can point you in the right direction for changing the odds yourself. 

In Sims 4 Studio, find the tuning named "Kuttoe_Veteran_loot_DiceRoll". The change the odds, you need to change the tunables called "value" under "MarkedForDeath" and "MarkedForSurvival". If you want a death result 1% of the time, change the Survival value to 99. If you want it 5% of the time, change the Survival value to 19. 

Let me know how it works out for you. Good luck!

Deleted 3 years ago

I just downloaded this mod, everything works perfectly. Except I got this "Fallen Soldier" notification, but my sim came back and didn't die. I know they're supposed to die on the lot, but my sim didn't do that. Does this mean it's broken?

Something does appear to be wrong. I will investigate and try to publish an update soon. Thanks for the report!

This should now be fixed in the newest version. Please test it out when you have a chance and let me know if it goes through this time.


Hi. I have translated this mod into Traditional Chinese. I also have noticed that the previous Chinese translation is not up to date and found quite a few misinterpreted translation in there.  

Below is the DL Link.


Hello, I'd like to make a suggestion: The Sims whom will go to war cut their hair in military style.

(1 edit)


 The mod is not showing up in the game is there something I should do

When I downloaded it only one file appeared so I assume that is the only issue 

Did you unzip the files? There should be two.

there wasn't one to unzip it download as one file


It downloads as a rar file, which you need to unzip. You can use a program like 7zip or WinRAR to open it. The two files (package and ts4script) are inside.

Normally when I download package files they come in a folder that I unzipp but when I download your file only one appears as a single file not in a zipped file

It is a zipped file. A rar file is a type of zipped file. You can use a program like 7zip or WinRAR to open it. The two files for the mod (package and ts4script) are inside.


Hi Kuttoe! Just here to share an idea that came to me when I saw RVSN's medal display case. I thought of this mod then and I think it would be really cool if the surviving sims come back with medals in their inventory for decor.  They would have varying buffs, like 'Received medal of Honor' and 'Cross of Navy or Airforce', so that there would be varying decor objects for display.  I didn't think of it much though, not sure if it's feasible

Oops, I just realized that Strangerville came with a military career that does that haha. I don't have that pack though.

(1 edit)

Hi! For some reason it won't let me download/update the mod. It says the file is corrupted or missing..

Sorry, but I don't have much control over the download server for itch.io. The file works fine from my end. Try using using a different browser or incognito mode, or try clearing your cache. See if that helps.

Hii!! I loved your mod! It worked very well in my game!!

But could you do It for teenagers too?

I play the decades challenge and I would like to send my teenagers for the war too.

I use the portuguese translation, and It is very good!

Thanks, glad you like it! I have now updated it to allow Teens to use the mod, too. Enjoy!

OMG! I'm so happy!! Thank you!!

I've shared your mod in a brazilian facebook group about the sims. Everybody is loving It!!

(Of course I put the link)

It will help a lot with the decades challenge!

Did you still have the 1.63 or eco style version ??? coz i really need it, i'm not yet to update the latest version... thanks before

Sorry, I don't keep old versions like that around. You'll need to update the game in order to use this mod.

Hello! I wish war wasn't several hours, could it possibly go for sim months while also aging them and giving them personality buffs? Just for the sake of storytelling. I'd love my sim father to serve in the war and return to already grown up kids and possibly cheating wife.

Unfortunately I had to make it shorter due to how easy it is for the interaction to be interrupted. The rabbit hole was originally supposed to be a full day, but I found during testing that the player leaving the lot for any reason would cancel the interaction and the Sim would not get any sort of conclusion, they would simply appear back at home like nothing happened. The rabbithole works more similarly to volunteering than it does like working a job, where the Sim stays in the rabbit hole no matter what. For that reason, I had to make the interaction shorter to avoid this. 


I recently downloaded the mod and it's not working for me. I have extracted both the file and the script into my mod folder and when I go to actions, I do not get the option to enlist in war. 

Do you have mods and scripts enabled in your game settings? How have you installed the mod? What is your game version?

Hi! I script Mods allowed clicked and custom content and mods. I have installed the mod as well.  The game version I have is

What folder is the mod installed in? Did you extract the files and then delete the rar?

It doesn't work for me with the latest update. Are they going to repair it?
Thanks for the job.

The mod is working fine in my game. What isn't working for you? Have you re-enabled mods after this latest patch? How do you have the file installed?

(2 edits)

Hi hun ! I have an issue with the download, when I take it I only have one file on RAR format and not a zip to extract ! I'm not on Mac, but on PC 

So when I install it on my mods file, it doesn't work

Thanks a lot :)

RAR files are the same as zip files, you need to extract the mod from them. You can use a program like 7zip or WinRAR to open them.

that's the problem, I don't have a zip file, only a document who doesnt work in game because I don't have the script modificator :) 

You won't get a zip because I uploaded a rar file, but you treat it the same way as you would a zip: extract the files from it and install them in your Mods folder. The game won't read a rar file so this is an absolutely necessary step.

Hi again, thanks a lot for your patience, I extract the file and it's work fine ! <3

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